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Welcome to Domat Demets, a multidisciplinary design studio based in Avelgem, Belgium. With a clear vision for architecture, interior and exterior furniture, and product design, we go beyond aesthetics.

Driven by a passion for design, atmosphere, technology, and sound, our visionary creator, Domat, crafts objects that offer immersive multisensory experiences. Each creation harmonizes form, texture, color, acoustics, and the environment.

Embark on an inspiring journey with us. Let our creations transform your space, stimulate your senses, and unveil the extraordinary art of design.

“I let the energy of the universe flow through me and convert it into creativity. It started simple and compressed, it expands into complex immersive experiences”


Transforming Spaces: Where Inspiration Meets Well-being

Transforming spaces into nurturing and inspiring havens. We prioritize well-being, considering factors like air quality, natural light, and elements on surfaces. Our spaces inspire and enhance a healthier lifestyle.

Crafting Inspirational Spaces: Where Artistry Meets Human Experience

Our design philosophy encompasses a harmonious blend of materials, including steel, wood, stone, acoustic panels, and living plants. Through careful integration, each element plays a crucial role in shaping spaces that promote well-being and offer a sanctuary from the outside world, striking a delicate balance between functionality and beauty.

Crafting Extraordinary Design Solutions that Transcend Time